People vary in terms of their physical appearance and personalities, and the words that are used to describe them are just as varied. Some words are better suited to describing the physical appearance of someone, some are best used to describe the person’s style, and others are ideal for describing the person’s character traits. One late cold Evening sipping hot coffee I thought of having a chit chat with our new, smart, helpful Project Manager – or you can say Brainite of the Year’16 Pranay Pandey. Apart from being a perfect Team Player, Pranay is also known for his creative, flexible and composed nature. He joined us when we were AMS Technologies as a Project Leader in November, 2012.

Here’s the chit chat we had that lazy evening.


  • Consider yourself to be the new addition to your bookshelf. What book would you be and why?

Ans: Right now I really love “The Time Machine” by H. G. Wells, I feel like it was written ahead of his time. It was published in 1895.


  • How would you explain Web Development in three sentences to your seven-year-old niece?

Ans: I don’t know how I can explain this to any 7 year old because till now I am not able to explain to my parent’s what do I do, they know that I do something with computers, but I have 1.5 year old nephew who can’t talk yet but he can operate mobile and open YouTube. So after 5.5 years, I don’t think I have to explain him web development.


  • What would the title of your Biography be?

Ans: “Alien in your own country”  In a good way, I was born in U.P but spent my whole life in Manipur then  West Bengal, for both the state I was an outsider, It  took me lot of time to adjust and this experience taught me a lot.


  • What was the last gift you received from someone or gave someone?

Ans: I gifted pearl necklace set to my mother on her Birthday and Surprisingly, this Durga Puja I received lots of clothing stuff from my friends since they know I usually I don’t spend much time on buying clothes.


  • Pretend you are the CEO of Brainium. What 3 concerns would keep you awake at night?

Ans : 1) Competition.

         2) Finding the right people.

         3) Meeting goals.


  • What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your Social Accounts?

Ans: I really enjoy Cooking, whenever I am tired or feeling down, cooking makes me relaxed.


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how intolerable do you find selfies on Facebook?

Ans: I will say 2.


  • What should be the work philosophy you would like to follow as new Project Manager?

Ans: There is few rules which I follow:

  • I Never take any decision when I am angry, I have learned this lesson very hard way.
  • If some task is assigned to me then it is my responsibility to finish it.
  • Making sure my teammates understand their responsibilities and I don’t have to follow for everything.


  • Which is your favorite part of a day and why?

Ans: Night, after dinner, Every day I create a list of targets which I have to achieve and at that time I think about it and plan how I am going to achieve that. The list of targets is like learning new things like solving a Rubik’s cube or building statues of stapler pins or learning photography tricks, learning different styles of cooking, playing specific computer games or buying gift for people who are close to me.


  • Please share your experience working with Brainium Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Ans: I have an awesome experience working with Brainium, In Brainium I have got the freedom of taking decisions independently and learned new things. It is extremely easy to adjust in this working environment and people here are really cordial, that makes it easier. If anyone joins this company, I will suggest just give 7 days for adjustment then will love working here.


  • How has your family supported you in shaping your career?

Ans: I am very close to my family; they have taught me how to face challenges and how to overcome them. I remember one instance when I was really down with high fever during my board exams, I was in the hospital till  11:30 PM ,All my hopes shattered and I knew nothing could help me in that terrible condition, I couldn’t sleep whole night just before the day of my English examination. But my parents gave that mental strength, they remained awake with me whole night and made me realise that it was not the end of everything. I should always try my level best.


  • Your first one you fell for, or is there a long list? You better be honest this time around!

Ans: So there was a Girl, I was in 9th standard, I started liking her, and then we had our summer vacation and after the summer vacation, she never joined the school. I investigated and found out that her father got transferred to a different state so she moved there with her parents.


  • Finally any message for all your colleagues in Brainium Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.?

Ans: Make learning your habit, What I feel that as an IT professional, learning is the most important thing, Here things change every 6 months, If you do not update yourself then in a few years you will become obsolete.

Interviewed by:
Satyajit Roy.
HR Executive.

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